The history of the delicious taste of Jet Chocolates begins in the early twentieth century, a time when only rich families consumed cocoa in drink. And it was in 1920, exactly on April 12, when the National Chocolates Company was founded, only that at that time had the name of Chocolates Red Cross. Then, the chocolate was gaining a space in the hearts of Colombians, and of course, in their kitchens and that’s how it began to look like a nutritious drink that had all the potential to become something much more fun. That’s why, thanks to the technological advances of the time, recipes were created to create chocolate bars, so that in 1961 the Jet Chocolate was born. You have probably asked yourself that before, it’s all because in those days they began to arrive to Colombia the first propulsion aircraft, a novelty that we could not miss and that inspired us to baptize with the name of Jet this delicious treat. Thus began a journey in which we have not stopped accompanying the growth of different Colombian generations, enjoying an unequaled flavor and learning together thanks to the magic of the Jet album.
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